Georgina Nelson
Contents Page
Page 2: Audience Research
Page 2: What is audience research?
Page 2: What is the purpose of audience Research?
Page 2: Audience Categories
Page 3-5: Methods and techniques
Page 6: Market Research
Page 6: What is market research?
Page 6: What is the purpose of market research?
Page 6: Market research categories
Page 6-7: Methods and techniques that would be suitable for market research
into a new movie and why?
Page 7-13: Primary Research
Page 14: Production Research
Page 14: What is production
Page 14: What is the purpose of production research?
Page 14: What methods are there of production research?
Page 14-15: Methods and techniques that would be suitable for production
research into a new movie and why?
Audience Research
What is audience Research?
Audience research according to The Australian
Museum is a discipline of museology that pursues to uncover information about
visitors to cultural institutions, such as demographics, satisfaction,
behaviour, learning outcomesandleisure habits.
What is the purpose of audience
research ensures that the individuals reached are the ones a certain product is
aimed at and so a product is aimed at the correct audience. For example, there
is no point marketing luxury goods in an area of very low income. Audience
research can provide essential changes to a product to ensure it is tailored to
the target audience- for example if a film is fitting for a PG, 12, 15 or 18
audiences. It ensures that money is not being lost by media industries by
marketing to the wrong audience and that marketing is used most effectively.
Audience Categories
When I was looking into audience category’s
I researched into loads of different issues and needs a few of the techniques I
used were:
Standard occupational
classification – the bureau of labour statistics say the 2010 standard occupational
classification (SOC) system is used by federal statistical agencies to classify
workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting,
calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of 840
detailed occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate
classification, detailed occupations are combined to form 461 broad
occupations, 97 minor groups, and 23 major groups. Detailed occupations in the
SOC with similar job duties, and in some cases skills, education, and/or
training, are grouped together. This helped me choose which category my trailer
fit into and as my film is based with young people it was harder as they don’t
fit into the categories so I based this part of my research on the parents who
would decide to watch it and pay for the viewing and merchandise. Although my
viewers would vary I decided to place them in C1 and C2.
Psychographics – The business
dictionary says that psychographics is an analysis of consumer lifestyles to create a detailed customer. Market researchers conduct psychographic research by asking consumers to agree or disagree with opinions statements. Results of this exercise are combined with geographic (place of work or residence) and demographic (age, education, occupation, etc.) characteristics to develop a more 'lifelike' portrait of the targeted
consumer segment. This helps me in deciding which programmes
or films to put my trailer as from knowing peoples interests and parents
occupations I can find what sort of films people are into or what they would
consider to watch as a family.
Geodemographics –
labelsgeodemographics to be Geographic factors and trends in a specific locale
(e.g. where people live, population density, healthcare, climate, eating
patterns, spending patterns, leisure activities, local industry, and outdoor
activities) that can help with locational decisions (e.g., selecting a clinic
site) or local contact interventions. This would help me in where and what
cinema’s to choose to have my film shown and merchandise sold.
Age and Gender – The target age
for my 15-25 as the certificate is a 15 so it is not suitable for ages lower.
Whereas the main gender I think this film will attract will be a mix but mainly
Horror films from geenelly
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